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How UK Winter Weather Conditions Can Increase Legionella Risks (And How We Can Help)

Preventing Legionella during winter weather conditions in the UK

How UK Winter Weather Conditions Can Increase Legionella Risks (And How We Can Help)

At Pipe Testing Services (PTS), we understand that Legionella risks don’t take a break during the winter months. In fact, the cold, wet weather conditions typical of a UK winter can actually increase the likelihood of Legionella growth and spread if proper precautions aren’t taken.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how winter weather exacerbates Legionella risks and what proactive steps your facility should take – with PTS as your expert Legionella Contractors – to safeguard your water systems this winter.

Preventing Legionella during winter weather conditions in the UK

    How Winter Weather Promotes Legionella Growth

    Several factors make Legionella more likely to proliferate during cold months:

    Proactive Precautions by PTS

    Don’t leave yourself vulnerable to increased Legionella risks this winter. PTS offers comprehensive solutions tailored to your facility’s needs:

    We help establish effective water temperature control for hot and cold systems. This includes advising on optimum temperature settings, providing equipment like thermostatic mixing valves, and ongoing monitoring.

    Our disinfection and water treatment programs utilise techniques like chlorination, copper-silver ionization, UV light, and more to keep water clean and free of contaminants.

    We implement regular flushing schedules optimised for winter to remove stagnant water from pipes and prevent build-up of corrosion and biofilm.

    From draining and disinfecting tanks to repairing damaged lids, overflows, and vents, we provide comprehensive maintenance to optimise water tank safety.

    We conduct frequent water testing and system inspections during winter to identify any Legionella risks before they escalate. Testing for temperature, bacteria, and key chemical parameters.

    Where risks are found through testing and inspection, we undertake targeted remedial measures like superheating, supplementary disinfection, equipment upgrades, etc.

    We ensure your compliance with L8 regulations and guidelines related to Legionella control this winter, providing documentation and recommendations

    Contact us today to schedule your winter legionella risk assessment. Contact us today to schedule a comprehensive winter legionella risk assessment. Our experts will thoroughly inspect your systems and develop a strategic winter maintenance plan tailored to your facility’s needs for complete protection.

    Investing in Proactive Protection Saves in the Long Run

    Being proactive now prevents much costlier emergency reactive measures down the line if Legionella is allowed to proliferate. We understand that facilities must balance safety and compliance with budget limitations. Costs for comprehensive winter Legionella precautions vary based on the unique size, layout, and needs of your facility. However, PTS strives to provide transparent, competitive quotes upfront so you know what to expect.

    The specific costs for your facility will depend on factors like:

    While each facility is different, on average, costs for comprehensive winter Legionella maintenance can exceed into high numbers. However, this is an investment that pays dividends in terms of safety and peace of mind.

    Expert solutions from us at PTS safeguards the health of occupants, prevents dangerous Legionella outbreaks, and avoids regulatory non-compliance. When weighed against the potential risks, proper winter Legionella precautions deliver immense value and are well worth the investment.

    Take the guesswork out of budgeting for critical winter services while ensuring you meet all safety standards this winter. PTS has the knowledge and experience to customise an effective and competitively priced winter maintenance plan.

    Contact PTS Today for Legionella Winter Solutions

    With UK winters only getting rainier and wetter, don’t gamble with Legionella risks. PTS has the knowledge and experience to implement tailored precautions for your facility. Reach out today to discuss your needs.

    Phone: 01922 451646


    Address: Unit 27 Birchbrook Industrial Estate, Shenstone, Lichfield, Staffs, WS14 0DJ

    Our winter Legionella solutions ensure safety, compliance, and peace of mind. Contact PTS to learn more and request your quote. We offer an extensive range of Legionella services from remedial works to Legionella testing and monitoring.


    The colder temperatures, increased rain and flooding, pipe corrosion, and stagnant water during winter months all contribute to higher Legionella risks.

    Legionella thrives in temperatures between 20-45°C. Water temperatures dropping below or rising above this range during winter can create risks.

    Precautions like temperature control, water treatment, regular flushing, tank maintenance, testing, inspections, and prompt remedial works if issues are found are key.

    Inspections at least every two months are recommended to identify potential risks before they escalate.

    In addition to winter maintenance, we provide services for the full range of L8 regulations and guidelines year-round.