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Rising Main Flushing: Maintaining Efficient Wastewater Transportation

Hydrostatic and Rising Main Flushing

Rising Main Flushing: Maintaining Efficient Wastewater Transportation

    A rising main is a pressurised pipeline that transports wastewater or sewage from a lower elevation to a higher elevation, typically using pumps. Proper maintenance, including regular flushing, is crucial to ensure efficient operation and prevent blockages or build-up.

    Rising main flushing is an essential process that helps maintain the functionality and longevity of these critical wastewater infrastructure systems. At Pipe Testing Services, we pride ourselves on efficient and cost effective solutions for water utilities and infrastructure companies – get in touch for a personalised quote, or just give us a call and inquire.

    Now, let’s take a look at what the flushing process entails, how it works, and how, we at PTS, carry out our work on water systems and rising mains pipelines.

    Why Flush Rising Mains?

    Rising main flushing serves several important purposes:

    Remove Accumulated Sediments and Debris

    Over time, solid particles, such as sand, grit, and other debris, can accumulate within the rising main. The upshot of this is that, potentially, obstructions are caused, reducing flow capacity.

    Improve Flow Capacity and Hydraulic Efficiency

    Flushing helps remove build-up of biofilms, mineral deposits, and other materials. These can restrict the flow and decrease hydraulic efficiency.

    Prevent Blockages and Overflows

    Blockages in rising mains can lead to backups or overflows, posing environmental and public health risks. Regular flushing helps mitigate these issues.

    Maintain Water Quality

    Stagnant water in rising mains can promote bacterial growth and degrade water quality. Flushing removes this stagnant water, improving overall water quality.

    Extend System Lifespan

    By removing accumulated materials and maintaining optimal flow conditions, flushing helps extend the operational lifespan of the rising main system. Ultimately, reducing the need for costly repairs or replacements.

    Hydrostatic and Rising Main Flushing

    The Flushing Process

    At Pipe Testing Services (PTS), the rising main flushing typically involves the following steps:

    Flushing Method

    Several flushing methods can be employed, depending on the specific needs and conditions of the rising main:

      • Conventional Flushing: High-velocity water flow is introduced from hydrants or tankers to create a scouring action within the pipes.
      • Air Scouring: Compressed air is introduced to create turbulent flow, dislodging accumulated materials.
      • Pigging: Projectile devices called “pigs” are propelled through the pipes, scraping the walls and removing build-up.

    Frequency and Planning

    The frequency of rising main flushing depends on various factors, including pipe material, age, flow rates, and water quality. A comprehensive flushing plan and schedule should be developed to minimise disruptions and ensure efficient use of resources.

    Regular flushing, as recommended by industry guidelines or based on site-specific conditions, is essential for maintaining the long-term performance of the rising main system.

    Safety Considerations for Flushing

    Rising main flushing operations require adherence to strict safety protocols. Traffic control measures, personal protective equipment (PPE), and confined space entry procedures must be followed to ensure the safety of workers and the public.

    Additionally, environmental concerns, such as the proper disposal of flushed water and sediments, must be addressed in accordance with applicable regulations.

    Learn more about our safety precautions here, on our dedicated page – Chlorination Safety Protocols and PPE for Water System Disinfection


    electro fusion pipe testing - rising mains. Pipe Testing Services.

    Chlorinating and Sampling for SLP Customer Case Study

    Flushing is just one aspect of our work, we recently showcased our chlorinating and sampling services for a regular Self-Lay Provider (SLP) customer. The project involved pressure testing, chlorinating, and sampling over 150 meters of new 125mm and 63mm water mains. We conducted thorough hydrostatic pressure testing to verify the structural integrity of the pipework before chlorinating and sampling.

     The chlorinating process involved introducing a controlled chlorine solution, circulating it throughout the pipe network, and maintaining optimal disinfection levels. After disinfection, our team thoroughly flushed the system to remove all traces of the chlorine solution.

    Comprehensive sampling and testing at various locations ensured the water’s safety for consumption, meeting all regulatory standards.

    Read on >>

    Benefits of Professional Flushing Services from PTS

    Engaging professional flushing services from experienced contractors like Pipe Testing Services (PTS) offers several advantages:

    Pressure Testing & Laying Rising Mains in Leicester

    As a leading provider of water infrastructure services, our team at Pipe Testing Services (PTS), recently laid rising mains by butt fusion welding.

    This was for a new client in Leicester, as part of crucial rising main installation project. The client, a long-standing water utility, required a secure, leak-proof connection to a key pumping station, ensuring uninterrupted water supply and minimising environmental risks.

    We deployed a team of highly skilled engineers with extensive experience in the water industry. Leveraging specialised electrofusion welding techniques, the team seamlessly joined high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes to create a robust, monolithic joint.

    The electrofusion process involved precisely controlled electrical heat and fusion between the pipe and fitting surfaces. This meticulous method allowed the materials to meld together under carefully monitored temperatures and pressures, resulting in a joint stronger than the pipe itself.

    This was only week one of working with our new client, and we expect more work and involvement to come.

    Visit our dedicated site for Rising Mains Pressure Testing – If your in need of pressure testing, or rising mains installations and pipe laying.

    Rising Main Flushing FAQs

    How often should rising mains be flushed?

    The frequency of rising main flushing depends on various factors, such as pipe material, age, flow rates, and water quality. Generally, it is recommended to follow industry guidelines or site-specific conditions to develop a comprehensive flushing plan and schedule.

    Common signs that a rising main needs flushing include reduced flow capacity, increased pressure fluctuations, water discoloration, and recurring blockages or overflows.

    Yes, rising main flushing can temporarily cause water discoloration due to the disturbance and removal of accumulated sediments and debris. However, this is a temporary issue, and the water quality should improve once the flushing process is complete.

    The duration of a rising main flushing process can vary depending on the length and diameter of the pipe, the flushing method used, and the amount of build-up present. Professional contractors, like us at PTS, can provide an estimated timeline based on the specific project requirements.

    Yes, there are environmental regulations regarding the disposal of flushed water and sediments from rising main flushing operations. Professional contractors like PTS are knowledgeable about these regulations and ensure compliance through proper handling and disposal methods.

    The cost of professional rising main flushing services can vary depending on the scope of the project, the flushing methods employed, and the contractor’s expertise and experience. It is recommended to obtain quotes from reputable contractors to ensure fair pricing and high-quality services.

     In some cases, rising main flushing can be performed without interrupting service by isolating and bypassing specific sections of the pipeline. However, this depends on the specific system configuration and may require temporary measures or alternative routing arrangements.

    Get in Touch for Rising Main Flushing Services

    At Pipe Testing Services (PTS), we take great pride in our expertise and comprehensive solutions for rising main flushing and maintenance. Our team of highly qualified professionals possesses a wealth of experience and industry certifications, ensuring we consistently deliver outstanding results that exceed our clients’ expectations.

    Our extensive range of services encompasses everything from executing various flushing methods to providing comprehensive training and support. Whether you require assistance with regular rising main flushing, addressing specific blockages or build-up issues, or ensuring compliance with regulations, we have the knowledge and resources to tailor our solutions to your unique needs.

    To discuss your requirements, schedule a consultation, or request a quote, please contact us at:

    Phone – 01922 451646

    Email –

    Address – Unit 27 Birchbrook Industrial Estate, Shenstone, Lichfield, Staffs, WS14 0DJ

    We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with you and provide you with the peace of mind that comes from working with a team of industry-leading professionals dedicated to ensuring the efficient operation and longevity of your wastewater infrastructure.